Saturday, February 12, 2011

smoking pine needles

 Girls from lame fashion-y style websites; net bag from; Creativity for Everyone (a collective which features and supports the art of the mentally ill or disabled, out of California) piggies t-shirt; t-shirt and skirt in the works from Salvor Projects, and Hunter boot.

I'm in Chicago, feeling inspired and getting excited for Spring. I'm feeling hot pink, yellow, and hunter green together. Lately I've been having bad dreams at night. I'm hoping the warm weather will bring better ones.

Friday, February 11, 2011


A couple of years ago, I interned at a business in Auroville (a bizarrely wonderful utopian commune in India),which used natural dyes and organic fibers to create denim for brands like Nudie, Sharkah Chakra, etc. The people were sweet and the work was endlessly fascinating. Dirty bare feet, daily moped accidents, indigo vats that smelled like piss... oh India, how I miss you. All pictures by yours truly.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

stuffe und dinge

Second picture is a slime mold; third picture is of a psychedelic mushroom flakeout ceremony in Germany somewhere; fourth image from the Cobrasnake; fifth is a bag called a "komebukuro" from the Edo period, made of pieces of very old kimono (found on intelligentclashing and for sale somewhere in NYC); the provenance of the other three I've forgotten. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

photobooth mysteries from the past.

I was digging through my Mac a few days ago and came across masses of bizarre old PhotoBooth pictures I don't remember taking. I do remember the last one. My boyfriend and I had just had a long fight on the phone and I was sequestered in my father's bleak, depressing house in Illinois. I drank like six of his Pabst Blue Ribbons consecutively, listened to "The Night Before" by the Beatles on repeat, started crying hysterically, and apparently decided to have a photoshoot. What was I thinking? More importantly, what was going on with my eyebrow-plucking situation?